
Patrons who frequent restaurants and lounges that have magicians reportedly have a heightened experience. They are also more likely to return and spread the word. There aren’t many restaurants that enlist the services of magicians in Philly. This fact will make certain that your business stands out. If you desire to attract a more sophisticated diner, we can use a subtler approach. Magic is a great strategy to quell discontent. If a diner has a reservation but must wait an additional 45 minutes to be seated, a magician will come in handy. When the kitchen is backed up and unable to get plates out within a reasonable time frame, magic tricks serve as a welcomed distraction. We also able to organize shows at libraries.


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Parlor Magic and Close Up Magic

There are various genres of magic.  If you plan on hiring a magician it is a good idea to familiarize yourself.  Parlor magic is perfect for restaurants.  This genre is characterized by performing in front of an audience that is smaller than an auditorium but more than a few people.  If you have a sizable waiting area or a large bar, parlor magic is a wonderful source of entertainment.  Close up magic incorporates tricks that are best conducted in front of one person or a few people.  Your hostess, manager or server can point out the tables that have been waiting the longest for their meal, we can preoccupy them with close up magic tricks.

Restoration and Transposition

If you’ve ever had someone drink your martini then in one split second restore it to a full glass, you have experienced restoration.  This genre involves altering the state of an object then restoring it to it’s original state.  Switching one guest’s leg of lamb with his dates salmon salad is known as transposition.  Sometimes these genres are combined to form one awe inspiring trick.  The salmon can be half eaten then restored to it’s original condition.  Magic tricks can be performed with playing cards, flatware, coins, matches and the vase on the table.  There is no limit to what we can do.

Production and Penetration

A guest whose order came out incorrectly will be pleased to have a free appetizer or dessert appear out of thin air.  This is known as production.  A skilled magician can make anything suddenly ‘appear’ from nothing.  Your guests will lose their minds when they see the fork and knife pass through each other.  We can even use two plates.  When one solid object appears to pass through another, it is called penetration.  Production and penetration can be used in combination with vanishing and transposition.  Magic tricks are more believable when various genres are combined.  We can shape our tricks to the ambiance and vibe of your clientele. 

Avoid Bad Yelp Reviews

It can be challenging to keep diners happy.  So much can go wrong.  It seems like once one thing happens there is a domino effect.  If the diner has difficulty locating parking, they are not likely to enter your establishment in a good mood.  Compound that with a long wait, after they already have a reservation and you have a seething Yelp review waiting to happen.  If the kitchen is backed up, plates come out late which means that diners stay later than the 2 to 4 hours expected.  This leads to a back up in the waiting area.  Diners are easily distracted by talented magicians.  It would be our pleasure to entertain your guests during your busiest evenings. 

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